The Wijit-SmartDrive Combo

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The Wijit with the SmartDrive: A Superior Combination!

The SmartDrive being added to a
Wijit-equipped wheelchair.

Permobil's SmartDrive is a lightweight power unit that attaches to the back of manual wheelchairs. It allows intelligent handling, given from cues to the push-rims from the user. It is an alternative to a power wheelchair. (Find out more at .)

Like the SmartDrive, the Wijit is an alternative to power wheelchairs. While for most users, the Wijit's lever-powering and gearing is enough to get around in most environments. For some users, however, a little extra help might be needed under certain special circumstances (easily fatigued, distance concerns, sore muscles, etc.). Instead of completely giving in to a power chair and losing the potential health benefits of using the Wijit (clinically proven to improve cardiovascular health, range of motion, and strength conditioning), the addition of the SmartDrive is the perfect one-two combo!

Besides the fact that the SmartDrive can provide a power-assist to Wijit users, the Wijit is the ideal combination with the SmartDrive at all times. Because the SmartDrive takes its cues from the user's grasping at the push-rims (for directional control and to slow down), the user's hands are vulnerable to injury -- not to mention the dirt and grime that accumulates on the user's hands over time. The Wijit solves all of these problems!

Because the Wijit's brakes are engaged by pulling in towards the wheelchair (using the lever handles), the user's hands are able to stay safely and cleanly on its lever handles at all times. This not only provides better steering control, it provides better braking control, greatly reduces injury potential, and keeps the user's hands clean from the dirt and grime that can come off of the tires -- God forbid you ran over dog poop at some point!

So if you are going to get a SmartDrive, get the perfect running mate for it: the Wijit! To find out how to get the Wijit, call us today at 1-800-659-4548 or 1-800-OK-WIJIT.